The Salesforce and Pardot Consultancy

Integrate Salesforce with Mailchimp

Salesforce Mailchimp Integration

Have you recently bought Salesforce but want to continue using your existing Marketing Automation tool Mailchimp?


We can help you integrate Mailchimp with Salesforce in a few easy steps. Then you can quickly pass your Salesforce leads and contacts to Mailchimp. Adding them to the relevant list to allow you to target them with specific content.

Some of the key benefits and features of Mailchimp and Salesforce integrations are:

  • Building and automating queries (hourly/daily) to add Leads, Contacts, Person Accounts and Campaign Members to Mailchimp lists
  • Creating targeted customer lists based on Salesforce data, e.g. order data
  • Tagging your customers as you add them to Mailchimp to help with segmentation
  • Uploading Mailchimp subscribers as Salesforce leads
  • Viewing Mailchimp campaign data, campaign reports and subscriber activity in Salesforce
  • Displaying Mailchimp membership, subscriber data, groups and segments on Salesforce Contact and Lead pages
  • Creating custom Mailchimp reports in Salesforce


A couple of things to bear in mind are:

Firstly, if a lead/contact unsubscribes in Salesforce once they are already a member of a Mailchimp list, they won’t be unsubscribed in Mailchimp. You can get around this by implementing a Salesforce process.

Secondly, you can sync leads and contacts from Salesforce to Mailchimp, however, this isn’t two way. You can’t create these in Salesforce from Mailchimp automatically, you need to import them manually.


If you would like help with any of the above, please get in touch.